Unbearable Period Cramps

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How many times on your cycle, have you are keeled over in the fetal position and reach for the Advil? I have, many times before.

AKA Painful Period

AKA Dysmenorrhea [Primary]

This condition is so common that we think it’s ‘NORMAL.’

During our period, we shed the inner lining of the uterus. Prostaglandins are hormone-like chemicals that cause uterine contractions to expel the tissue from our uterus. It also regulates inflammation in our bodies.

Ideally, the contractions are small enough that this process is not painful. But MOST us experience strong and spasmodic contractions.


Your prostaglandin levels are likely TOO elevated. This means your body is likely UNDER chronic stress.

It becomes a never-ending pain cycle - your immune system is trying to help you by producing more prostaglandins but then causes more painful cramps.

From an Eastern Medicine perspective, our period should be pain free and bleeding should neither be too heavy or prolonged. We view primary dysmenorrhea as an IMBALANCE of between the body and its environment. Instead of suppressing the cramps, the focus is on finding out the actual cause of your inflammation.

Here are a few things I look at specifically with my clients:

DIET: We ensure that she is eating enough for her activity level. This ensures that your body does not go in conservation mode [i.e. leading to higher levels of cortisol]. We ensure she is eating highly nutrient dense foods that have good sources of OMEGA-3, Iron, Vitamin E.

HERBS / SUPPLEMENTS: We prescribe the correct Chinese herbal formula for her unique pattern to bring relief and to regulate the body. We also start with magnesium glycinate, starting 3 days [1-2/day @ 400mg] before her period until its done. Mg helps with blood flow and relaxes the muscles.

EXERCISE: We look at her training to ensure she is not overtraining or under recovering. If either occurs, then your body is constantly fighting.

Cramps should not hinder your daily output.

If it does, let’s figure it out together on a complimentary discover call.




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